Wildfire Risk Management

Major wildfires are growing in frequency and destructive capacity. That’s why we enable collaborative resilience between local governments, wildland fire teams, and private sector stakeholders to improve outcomes and protect communities.

Why Choose AEM?

Rugged, reliable technology

Our fire weather stations and environmental sensors are built to last and provide reliable data from the field for years.

Action-oriented decision support

We provide the industry’s only whole-cycle wildfire risk management, monitoring, detection, and collaboration platform.

Proven wildfire expertise

AEM brands have been helping people anticipate, prepare for, and recover from wildfires for over 40 years.


2024 North American Wildfire Report

AEM conducted a survey with Fire Engineering during the spring of 2024 to understand the wide range of approaches and current states with regard to wildfire prevention, preparedness, detection, response, recovery, and rehabilitation across North America. Download the report today to access key insights from public sector wildland fire professionals across the country.

Topics include: 

  • How do wildfire budgets map against the event cycle?
  • Which wildfire risk management technologies are seeing use?   
  • Are agencies increasing their use of preventative practices?
  • How are fire leaders feeling about the current situation?
Get the report

How we can help

We help local governments, land management agencies, energy utilities, and emergency management teams embrace a whole-cycle approach to wildfire risk management that improves detection and response times while also enabling practices that reduce the likelihood of major fires.


AEM Elements™ 360 for wildfire risk management

When we created our 2024 North American Wildfire Report, we were shocked to see the inefficiency in the wildfire software space. Teams often need three or more different applications to manage the wildfire event cycle, which is probably why as many as 40% of wildfire companies aren’t using any kind of a software solution to support their wildfire efforts yet.

That’s exactly why we created AEM Elements 360, an end-to-end collaborative resilience and decision support platform for governments, businesses, and community leaders who are looking for a single software platform that can deliver ongoing monitoring, automated ignition detection, and a best-yet wealth of valuable data from the field to inform operations and increase confidence when wildfires and severe weather rear their ugly heads.


Multi-source wildfire ignition detection

Data drives decisions, and in wildfire contexts, those decisions can be the difference between life and death for wildland firefighters and members of the surrounding community. AEM helps emergency managers and leaders in wildland fire companies build the richest possible picture of a potential wildfire ignition as it unfolds so that they can make the most informed possible decisions.

Our approach to multi-source ignition detection cross-references weather networks data, real-time visual intelligence from cameras in the field, AI smoke detection, responsive lightning alerts, air quality monitoring, and satellite hotspots to create a comprehensive snapshot of an evolving wildfire in a single software application – AEM Elements 360.

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Rugged, reliable fire weather stations

Our Remote Automated Weather Station (RAWS) is the North American standard for fire weather monitoring, serving as the backbone for the National Interagency Fire Center’s (NIFC) network. Those 2,000+ stations help protect more than 700 million acres of federal public land, and that doesn’t account for the thousands of additional RAWS that local agencies and private businesses use to build wildfire resilience.

The RAWS is designed to help agencies scale fire risk monitoring networks exceptionally quickly without compromising data quality. In the early stages of network design, our quick-deploy RAWS can be installed and moved across a service territory to carry out studies and identify the best places for long-term monitoring stations. Those same mobile stations can be deployed strategically during prescribed burns or active wildfire events to increase intelligence and safety at any time.

Our partnership with Ventura County, California, demonstrates how the RAWS and quick-deploy RAWS make modernizing wildfire weather monitoring incredibly easy. Learn more at the link below.

Read the case study


Wildfire risk analysis and modeling

While wildfire risks are growing just about everywhere, the specific threats and challenges vary from location to location. Factors like weather, topography, ground cover, and degree of development directly impact how a potential fire might start, spread, and impact people, property, or infrastructure. We help teams understand their hyperlocal wildfire risk by blending historical and current environmental data to create a specific profile of their wildfire threats, risks, and opportunities to build resilience.


Talking With the Experts: Collaborative Wildfire Resilience

We specialize in helping wildfire leaders build collaborative resilience for their communities. What does that mean, exactly? It’s a model where a variety of public and private stakeholders come together to share intelligence and pool resources to increase wildfire prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities in a way that protects everybody better.

Here’s how Ben Twomey, our Director of Global Product Management for Wildfire Solutions, explains it:

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