Vantage Pro2™
Our Vantage Pro2 weather station offers the professional weather observer or serious weather enthusiast robust performance with a wide range of options and sensors.
Weather conditions can dramatically impact the operation of wastewater treatment facilities. For example, rainfall may influence decisions about how often and how long a facility needs to run its pumps. Or, extreme weather may require additional staff to take various precautions.
At best, failure to adapt to changing environmental conditions can introduce inefficiencies and drive up operating costs. At worst, it can jeopardize the safety of the facility, its employees, and the surrounding environment.
To stay on top of these dynamic conditions, the best facilities watch for any changes in key weather variables, including wind, temperature, humidity, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, and solar radiation.
Headquartered in Barcelona, Spain, Darrera specializes in the design and installation of weather monitoring systems. In fact, over the past 35 years, they’ve installed more than 5,000 such systems for many public and private companies, in addition to government and non-government organizations. The firm’s process begins by gaining a deep understanding of each client’s unique requirements for accuracy, flexibility, and cost. Based on that assessment, they put together reliable weather systems that meet their customers’ requirements and perform according to specifications throughout the years.
To meet these stringent commitments, Darrera seeks out the most accurate, durable, and cost-effective instrumentation for their weathermonitoring systems – instruments like our Davis Vantage Pro2™ Plus weather stations.
“The implementation of the Vantage Pro2 Plus weather stations has proven to be a significant step toward enhanced efficiency and safety in the customers’ wastewater treatment processes.”
When three wastewater treatment facilities across Barcelona and Valencia, Spain needed help adapting their operations to changing weather conditions, they turned to AEM’s local partner, Darrera. After careful consideration of all the challenges, Darrera found that the facilities needed a weather monitoring solution that would help them realize improvements in three key areas:
During extreme weather, the facilities must take well-timed precautions like adjusting schedules, securing equipment, and modifying treatment procedures.
Some costly procedures are needed only under specific conditions. Real-time weather data would help the facilities reduce costs and run more efficiently.
There is no single “best” process for treating wastewater. Processes need to vary based on current conditions, including prevailing weather conditions.
After determining the improvements that each wastewater treatment facility needed to make, Darrera did not need to look far for a solution. Our Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus weather stations are perfectly suited for capturing reliable, real-time weather data and supporting the delivery of actionable insights. And with all their sensor options, they are more than capable of tracking all the necessary variables, including wind, temperature, humidity, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, and UV radiation.
When severe weather hits, minutes matter. Now the facilities can recognize weather changes as they happen and respond with the right precautions.
Each facility finally has all the information it needs to ensure it consistently uses the procedures that are best suited to current weather conditions.
Each facility finally has all the information it needs to ensure it consistently uses the procedures that are best suited to current weather conditions.
Since the installation of our Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus weather stations, Darrera’s wastewater treatment customers have seen the value of real-time, hyperlocal weather data. They now have the insights they need, when they need them, to rapidly adapt their operations to changing weather conditions. And improved weather resiliency means they can now work more safely and efficiently