AEM Enterprise Solutions

We provide multi-hazard risk management and decision support solutions so that businesses can survive – and thrive – in the face of escalating environmental risks.

Why choose AEM?

Reliable sensing networks

We design, deploy, and operate intelligent networks and field services, bolstered by robust sensing, data acquisition, telemetry, AI, and third-party sources.

Highest quality data

Our quality control is rigorous, with best practice security and governance across every aspect of data infrastructure, management and access.

Actionable insights

From sensor-enhanced forecasts to risk and impact assessments, our expertise and technical capabilities deliver high-value analytics and insights you can act on.

Core solutions

Severe Weather Risk Management

Learn how to minimize operational downtime while maximizing employee safety during severe weather events. AEM Elements 360™ integrates on-site weather stations, lightning detection, live storm tracking, forecasting, and alerting on one platform to help: 

• Optimize business continuity
• Protect critical assets
• Safeguard staff, customers, and guests​ 
• Unlock difference-making insights from global weather data

Talk to a weather expert

Lightning Detection

You can automate lightning safety with our real-time data and alerting systems, which provide outdoor workers with advance warnings for incoming storms and unmissable alarms for lightning strikes. We offer a single platform that combines data from the world’s most precise lightning network with mobile alerting capabilities to:

• Keep people and property safe 
• Optimize operational uptime 
• Bring peace of mind

Talk to a lightning expert

Wildfire Risk Management 

AEM solutions help you build resiliency across the entire wildfire event cycle. Install a network of weather stations, sensors, and cameras to build an intelligent wildfire danger rating, monitoring, and detection system that feeds back to a single powerful but easy-to-use intelligence hub.​ Our solution centralizes data for: 

• Fire weather risk monitoring
• Early wildfire detection
• Resource management and response coordination
• Public safety and infrastructure/resource protection
• Post-fire recovery monitoring

Talk to a wildfire expert

Flood Risk Management

Communities are facing stronger storms and growing floodplains, and old approaches to flood management simply aren’t cutting it​. AEM has a full portfolio of solutions for flood risk mitigation, from early warning system design to road weather monitoring. Benefits include:

• Reliable, up-to-date flood maps and risk profiles for your specific area
• Real-time hyperlocal and big-picture data for leadership decision support
• Advanced warning/alerting for agencies, first responders, and the public 
• Situational awareness for proactive response and operational decisions 
• Improved ability to collaborate across agencies

Talk to a flood expert

Meteorological Services

Our weather experts offer precise, customized forecasts for various needs, with a 24/7 team of veteran meteorologists providing real-time consulting to improve weather-related decisions and protect lives and property. We assist top companies in aviation, energy, banking, and sports to prepare for any weather scenario worldwide. Services include:

• Custom threat forecasts
• Detailed storm briefings
• 24/7 email and phone support
• Mobile-friendly forecast center
• Post-storm event analysis and forensic reviews

Talk to a meteorological expert